YSC Agro Group Berhad, also well known as ”金井集團”, has been the country’s leading and supporter of Malaysia’s Swiftlet Farming Industry since its inception back in 2009.
The Company incorporated in Malaysia on 15th April 2009 and has an authorized capital of RM25 million and a paid-up capital of RM7.25 Million.
The Company is principally engaged in the swiftlet farming business for a long time and shall operate and manage the Scheme.
Presently the Company is operating many swiftlet houses for swiftlet farming throughout the country. The Company has successfully created hundreds of swiftlet houses for the nesting and breeding of the consumable bird nests. The Company is based in Taiping, Perak. It is well known and has been an established swiftlet farming company to the Taiping community.
We are determined and well poised to generate a profitable and strategically sound investment plan to benefit the investor and we continue to do that by building on our expertise and experience in the industry.